
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

New Tweakware VPN connect with MTN Zero Naira Zero Kobo

New Tweakware VPN connect with MTN Zero Naira Zero Kobo

Good day all TechOzblog visitor's, I got some tips on the latest mtn zero naira zero kobo with the support of TWEAKWARE, earlier today
and I know by now most of us have being using our money to buy data to browse the Internet. Here is a different vpn to power and enjoy the free
browsing on MTN. You are like wahooo... If you have not heard of TWEAKWARE Now let me give you an introduction of Tweakware. For the lovers of
tweakware, heres the modded version of the vpn. The tweakware vpn is modded with psiphon handler menu.
Because of time let roll on....

1. Download tweakware least version from here: Tweakware. 3.4 Download Now.

2. After downloading and install, Open the vpn and click on tunnel whole

3. Locate the Log and Click on the Log icon, then click on Handler Menu to
insert your prepared settings

4. It will ask you for a child lock code. The child lock code is cdce.imishiro.032990 Copy and paste it to unlock the Handler Menu.

5. Now Input this in your Tweakware handler menu as following...

proxy type- REAL HOST

proxy server-

real proxy type- Default

real proxy port- 80

unpick the child lock system, then Click
on save button 🔲

6. Go back to tweakware home and click on Settings to configure it as you did it in your normal psiphon.

Tick Connect through an HTTP proxy
and input these set up...


PORT– 8080

Go back to Tweakware home and connect to start enjoying the endlessly ultimate data.
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